Lowongan keja di PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY(Until 30 Maret 2010)
(24 Maret 2010)
A PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY located in GRESIK is seeking candidates for :1. The Plant Operation Trainees position
- D3 degree majoring in Chemical Engineering
- Male, age not more than 25 years old
- Understanding in process unit operation
- preferably fresh graduate
- fluent in English (speaking, listening, writing)
- having good academic record (IPK min 2.80 of 4.00)
- computer literate (MS. Words, MS. Exel, MS. Power Point, etc)
2. Electrical Technician ( ET )
- D3 degree in Electrical Engineering
- Male preferably not more than 23 years old.
- Capable in :
- Power electrical system
- Electrical component (Transformer, Motor, Capacitor Bank etc)
- Electrical Protection System
- Wiring diagram
- Power Electronic
- Computer literate (MS. Words, MS. Exel, MS. Power Point, etc)
Sumber: http://sac.its.ac.id/?stat=page8a&id_detil=21
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