Lowongan Kerja di PT Amoco Mitsui PTA Indonesia(Until 29 Februari 2012)
(23 Februari 2012)
Environment, Health and Safety Engineer
- Education: Min. S1(prefer Engineering)
- Experience: min 5 years in Environment, Health, & Safety area
- Age: 30 - 37 years
- Computer literate (Excel, Word, Power Point)
- Certified as AK3 Kimia
- Having experience in HSE Chemical Industry will be an advantage
- Familiar with ISO 1401, SMK3, OHSAS
- Responsibility as trainer
- Job location: Cilegon – Banten
Brief Duties Description:
- Reporting safety and environmental performance to government and shareholder.
- Ensure identification of environment risk at plant in order to comply with regulation.
- Ensure implementation of HSE management comply with regulation.
- Monitoring environmental performance by coordinate with third party.
- Monitor implementation of HSE procedure audit.
- Implementing HSE Plan in line with Company objectives.
Executive Secretary
- Education: Min. Diploma 3 (Secretarial, Languages, Management, Accounting, Communications)
- Experience: min 3 years in Secretarial
- Age: Max. 35 years
- Computer literate
- Good English
- Willing domiciled in Cilegon & its surrounding area
- Job location: Merak - Banten
Brief Duties Description:
- To assist Plant General Manager in managing and ensuring the overall implementation of the group process
- To manage and organize the company event; such BOD/ Executive meeting, guest arrangement
- To prepare and filing the business trip including transportation, meal and accommodation arrangement
Junior Buyer
Merak – Banten
- Fresh graduate D3/ S1, preferred from Mechanical Engineering
- Age Maximum 30
- Excellence in computer skills (Microsoft Office)
- Good in English, both writing and speaking
- Able to do overtime working if requested
- Good in Mathematics
- Mature and can work independently
- Having negotiation Skills
- Need less Supervision
- Having common sense & good judgment
Job Description:
- To prepare quotation inquiry with technical aspects
- To do technical and commercial review quotation
- To determine from time to time technical requirement to be met by suppliers
- To do legal review of legal document provided by suppliers / potential suppliers / customers / potential customers (working with Contract Officer)
- To implement the CSMS (Contractor Safety Management System) or CS-01 Procedure.
- To advise Purchasing Manager regarding technical issue.
- To identify potential suppliers
- To Evaluate bids and make recommendations based on commercial and technical factors;
- To Negotiate and agree contracts and monitor their progress, it shall refer to Purchasing Manager guidance.
- To do purchasing administration process, such as preparing Letter of intent, Purchasing Order, Agreement, etc. (All document is in English and most suppliers are overseas suppliers)
- To process payments and invoices;
- To keep contract files and using them as reference for the future;
- To ensure suppliers are aware of AMI business objective and AMI Code of Conduct.
- To liaise with users and other relevant parties;
- To check costs, quality and levels of service;
- To keep a constant check on stock levels to maximize business efficiency;
- To develop market knowledge and contacts for new products and services;
- To produce reports and statistics using computer software
Maintenance Planning Section Manager
Planning Section Manager Position is responsible for the effective execution of all maintenance work control processes. He / she is responsible to the Maintenance Manager for the efficient and effective use of planning and scheduling all resources to conduct maintenance activities which result in minimum downtime and maximum productivity.
In order to fulfill these responsibilities in the most effective manner, the Planning Section Manager is empowered to manage work priority, develop job plans, define parts and material, define crafts and skills and engage the proper resources to develop a safe, effective and efficient work control plan.
In addition, the Planning Section Manager provides the equipment-related expertise and technical guidance on improving Preventive Maintenance activities.
Duties and Responsibilities
Planning Section Manager once a valid work request is submitted will prioritize, plan, schedule and follow –up on accuracy of the job plan for all planned (PM, Pdm and corrective) work. There focus is not day to day but is to be proactive and optimize workforce productivity and minimize plant downtime by managing work 2 weeks to 1 month in advance.
In performance of these duties the Planning Section Manager has the following responsibilities:
- Principle contact and liaison between the maintenance department and operation planning. They ensure the area, department or facility in which they are assigned receive professional maintenance service in a timely manner to ensure high equipment availability and performance.
- Review all planned work request from assigned area and determine validity and accuracy of information and engage the appropriate resources to seta preliminary priority. (Note; emergency work orders are not processed by Planning Section Manager)
- Reviews work request for accuracy and clarity: clear scope of work, realistic completion date, proper lead times, correct equipment identification, proper charge number (if applicable), proper authorization, and discuss details with originator of the work order.
- Identifies work requiring engineering design and reviews them with engineering.
- Escalates issues to the Reliability Manager for work which does not appear to be valid or costly.
- Review the work to be performed and determine the best way to accomplish the work.
- Obtain and organize all information required for the crafts to perform the work: drawings, vendor manual, supplemental instructional materials, special procedures, and other file material which is appropriate. Supplement this
- information by preparing any additional sketches, drawings, diagrams, notes, or any instructional material which will clarify the work to be performed.
- Identifies and secures all parts and material required to complete the work by providing stores a Bill of Material for the work order and any special kitting instructions.
- Work with Stores to manage spare part usage to maximize turns but minimize risk of using critical spares.
- Approach all aspect of the work being performed with safety as the highest priority.
- Provide job estimates based on craft or skills required, sequence required and number required.
- Determine and identify any vendor delivered service for the work order. (i.e., contract vibration service or alignment service)
- Provide a total cost estimate for the work to be performed: labor, material, and outside services.
- Manage the status of work control and backlog for work order submission to work order completion. Status may include: waiting for planning, waiting parts, ready to schedule, scheduled, etc.
- Verifies all material, information, tools and Labor are available prior to scheduling.
- Works with Maintenance leads, to determine resource availability and work to level the work force.
- Develops a preliminary workforce schedule by crew ensuring all skills requirement and resource availability is met.
- Actively participate in scheduling meeting with operation partners to finalize priority of work orders, optimum downtime windows, and necessary lead times.
- Finalize the Maintenance resource schedule based on agreed plan with production.
- Follow up and communicates schedule to all resources: maintenance, production, outside services, stores and engineering.
- Issue scheduled work orders with job plan packets to supervisors.
- Address any questions about the job plan packets.
- Follow up with supervisors and lead to ensure that completed work job packets are turned in with improvement comments in a timely fashion.
- Updates Job packets as required for the files.
- Manage a backlog of work orders which require major or significant portion of the facility to be shutdown.
- Continuously improves the job estimate, planning and scheduling by receiving feedback from maintenance supervisors, maintenance leads, production supervisors, engineers and production Planning Section Managers.
- Keep accurate metrics on the performance of planning and scheduling functions and provide timely reports to the Reliability manager
Performance of the Planning Section Manager in meeting identified responsibilities is evaluated on the following measures:
- Schedule compliance: Jobs worked and completed as scheduled
- Planning compliance: accuracy of information, estimate of labor and material.
- Reduction in emergency call hours to planned work hours.
- Improvement in Labor effectiveness or increase of value added activities: Work sampling
- Relationship with operating and maintenance partners.
- Timely distribution of metrics and reports.
- Reports to Maintenance Department Manager.
- Works closely with Operation Team.
- Works closely with Maintenance Leads and Supervisors.
- Works closely with Stores and purchasing personnel.
- Works closely with Assigned Outside services supervisors.
- Works closely with engineering personnel.
- Interfaces with Safety and Environmental resources for specific concerns.
Requirements, Qualifications, and Selection Criteria
- Education: Min S1 Mechanical Engineering from reputable university.
- Experience: min. 10 years in Maintenance Petrochemical Plant; min. 5 years as Maintenance Planning Manager
- Age: 35 – 45 years old
- Familiar with SAP PM and MM System
- Have adequate craft knowledge and skill to accurately estimate labor hours, material requirement and skills needed to complete a job. Must have a demonstrated ability to visualize and communicate the execution of work.
- Should have good written and verbal communications skills and have demonstrated the ability to be approachable and tactful.
- Good math skills and computer skills.
- Good knowledge and skill in Maintenance Management System
- good knowledge and skill in spare part/ material management
- Good knowledge and skill in budgeting and maintenance cost control
- Good knowledge and skill in maintenance job scheduling
- Good knowledge and skill in plant safety
- Good organizational skills. Demonstrated organizational and planning skills.
- Demonstrated ability to write and provide simple and accurate instructions.
- Demonstrated ability to read standard blueprints, machine and process drawings. Have the ability to sketch or redline existing drawings.
- Knowledge and understands the maintenance processes and proper use of the work order system, planning and scheduling and storeroom processes.
- Can manage multiple priorities or projects simultaneously and keep them progressing to completion.
- Must have a repetition which is respected by production, maintenance labor, maintenance management and store personnel.
- Job Location: Cilegon–Banten
Operator Produksi
Merak – Banten
- Fresh graduate D3 Teknik Kimia
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Disiplin dan kerja sama yang baik serta sadar akan pentingnya safety
- Bersedia bekerja shift dan kerja overtime
- Berbadan sehat
- Disiplin dengan SOP
- Membuat laporan tertulis
- Memahami bahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)
Deskripsi kerja:
- Melakukan pengecekan di lapangan, mengisi status pada form yang telah disediakan (log sheet), dan mengamati bila ada hal-hal yang tidak normal.
- Melakukan kegiatan rutin di lapangan, seperti membersihkan saringan, mengambil sample,menyiapkan bahan kimia yang dibutuhkan dan housekeeping.
- Mengoperasikan peralatan di lapangan dengan benar untuk menjaga stabilitas dan keamanan operasi.
- Melakukan trouble shooting di lapangan apabila terjadi process upset atau kondisi emergency dengan cara yang aman dan efektif
- Menyiapkan peralatan untuk diserahterimakan dengan departemen maintenance.
- Memeriksa peralatan safety dan mengisi form pemeriksaan yang telah disediakan.
- Melakukan pemeliharaan alat yang sederhana (minor maintenance work)
- Memelihara data-data pada log sheet.
- Memelihara lingkungan kerja yang aman.
HRD and Recruitment Officer
PT. Amoco Mitsui PTA Indoesia
ekar@ami.co.id or tutia@ami.co.id
Online application through http://cdc.ui.ac.id
Dikirim sebelum March 2012
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