Lowongan Kerja di GlaxoSmithKline(Until 05 Desember 2009)
(19 November 2009)
The Job :
- Lead and manage an exclusive sales team from apponted dealers
- Maximize business volume, distribution and marchadising opportunities in the designated teritories
- Motivated, train and decelop the Dealer's sales team to provide superior customers service
- Manage and improve the sales team's productivity
Requirements :
- Minimum a bachelor degree (S1) in any discipline
- Fres Graduates are welcome to apply, preferebly with 1-3 years experience in sales of consumers products in FMCG or Pharmaceutical
- Good inter personal skills
- prosses high integrity
- Possess excellent verbal and wrutten communication skills (both Indonesian and English)
- Posses Computer literate
- Posses computer self confident
- Willing to travel
- Willing to be relocated to other area in different province
Applicatns are invited to submit details to either:
online applications through http://cdc.ui.ac.id
Recruitments Process : 14-15 December 2009
We will held GSK Day on 14 December 2009 at 8:30 am in Auditorium Gd. Pusat Studi Jepang UI he Program will include Employer Branding Session, Career Talkshow, and Announcement of the Selected andidates fo Further Assessment that will be held right after the sessions.
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