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Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency (IBPA) is the first private institution in Indonesia that focusing on valuation of Indonesia fixed income securities and sukuk (Islamic/Syariah Bonds).
Established based on the mandate of Bapepam LK, and also has Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as one of its shareholders, IBPA carry important task as its vision is being a price rating agencies that assess and determine theeffect on the fair market price of debt securities, Sukuk, and other securities, as well as provide information on bondmarkets, in an objective, independent, credible,and can accountable. Therefore,we invite best people to fill the following position:


Requirements :

  1. University bachelor degree (S1) in computer
  2. Max. age 30 years old in 2011
  3. Languange: VB.NET, C#, VBA, SQL
  4. Technology: .NET Framework, Website, Webservice, Windows-Based
  5. Good Team Work

Marketing (code: MAEX)

Qualifications :
  1. Min D3 / S1 all the majors
  2. Max. age 30 years old in 2011
  3. Good looking and attractive
  4. Strong presentation and negotiation
  5. Good communication and interpersonal skills
  6. Fluent in English
  7. Good Team Work

IT Operational (code: ITOE)

Requirements :
  1. University bachelor degree (S1) in computer
  2. Max. age 30 years old in 2011
  3. Have a basic knowledge
    a. Microsoft Exchange
    b. SQL Server 2005
    c. Microsoft Server 2003 and 2008
    d. Language : C# and VB
    e. Networking
    f. Hardware (Server)
    g. Daily troubleshooting operational computer

  4. Good Team Work
Application Procedure:

If you have the qualifications above, please send a cover letter, CV, copy of diploma, academic transcript, and colour photos (4x6) to email address (max 4Mb): .  Write your application code on the email subject. or  apply online at

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