Lowongan Kerja di BANK INDONESIA(Until 16 Juni 2009)
(03 Juni 2009)

Our client is searching for individual with high integrity and qualified professional to be positioned as permanent staff in Treasury area.
Position Requirements:
- Indonesian citizens, Male/Female, max. 25 years old (S1) and max. 28 years old (S2)
- Bachelor Degree in Economic/Mathematic/Industrial Engineering from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00 or Master Degree in Economic/Finance/Accounting with minimum GPA 3.35 (or minimum GPA 3.00 for overseas graduated)
- TOEFL score minimum 500 for TOEFL institutional or 61 for TOEFL IBT International
Having experience in Treasury/Banking/Finance/Auditing area - Highly self motivated with the ability to work both individual and within a team
- Excellent physical and mental condition
- Dynamic, Good Personality
- Able to work under pressure and in tight deadline
- Willing to join immediately
- Qualified candidates are invited to apply latest on 07 June 2009
Apply online at http://jobs.experd.com/bankindonesia
Email to: treasurer@experd.com
Call center: +62-21-94749838 / +62-21-94749767 / +62-21-92922037
Only qualified candidates will be processed
Our client offers challenging career for qualified candidates to join their professional environment.
General Requirements :
- Indonesian Citizen
- Male/Female, max 31 years old
- Minimum D3 Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/ Information Engineering/ Information System/ Information Management/ Polytechnic (other major related to computer/information) from reputable universities
- GPA min 2,75
- Good communication in English both oral and written
- Excellent physical and mental conditions
- Good personality
- Highly motivated and able to work underpressure in a team with tight deadline and minimum supervision
Web Programmer Assistant / Asisten Programmer Web (APW)
Spesific Requirements :
- Mastering in ASP, .Net Framework or Java/J2EE programming
- Preferably mastering in database (Oracle or SQL), web services, Unified Modelling Language (UML), Crystal Report, Operation System Windows/Unix, certified Oracle/J2EE, IT Security or Microsoft Project
- Minimum 2 years experience in developing web based application programme
Datawarehouse Programmer Assistant / Asisten Programmer Datawarehouse (APD)
Spesific Requirements :
- Mastering in Oracle database
- Preferably mastering in working with tools Cognos
- Minimum 1 year experience in developing and implementing application programme datamart/datawarehouse
- Preferably minimum 1 year experience in developing datawarehouse with Cognos (Impromptu, PowerPlay and Visulizer) and Ascential (Datastage)
IT Technical Support Assistant / Asisten Pelaksana TI (AIT)
Spesific Requirements :
- Mastering in hardware (PC and Note Book), network (LAN) and Operation System (Windows XP/VISTA)
- Good understanding in software PC/Note Book and/or Server
- Good understanding in IT Security (Update Patch and Anti Virus, Firewall, Domain, Sharing file/printer, setup LAN, Password, in PC/Note Book)
- Having knowledge in various kind of computer virus and Anti Virus
- Having knowledge in various kind of licensed software and open source
- Minimum 2 years experience in operation system Windows XP/VISTA in PC and/or Windows server
Database Administrator Assistant / Asisten DBA (ADA)
Spesific Requirements :
- Mastering in database (Microsoft SQL and Oracle) and operation system (Windows/Unix)
- Having understanding in programming language
- Minimum 2 years experience in working with Microsoft SQL or Oracle
- Preferably having experience in the similar position as Assistance Database Admin
Qualified candidates are invited to apply immediately until June 16, 2009
Apply online at http://jobs.experd.com/bankindonesia
Call center: +62-21-94749838 / +62-21-94749767 / +62-21-92922037
Only shortlisted candidates will be processed
Posted in
Peluang Kerja ()
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pakan ternak sedang menggarap project Sistem Informasi internal. Kami membutuhkan Programmer dengan kriteria sbb:
- Pria usia 20 s/d 35 th
- Menguasai dan mahir PHP, Javascript, MySQL,
- Bersedia tinggal di tempat yang kami disediakan,
- Bersedia masuk dan berkerja dalam waktu dekat terhitung dari lowongan ini.
Job Location : Bantar Gebang, Bekasi
Job TYpe : Full time/contract
Salary : Not Specified / Negotiable
kirimkan cv anda dengan subject "CV PHP Programer" ke alamat angga.purwana@global2solve.com , cc ke acep.rahmat@global2solve.com .
pelamar yg memenuhi syarat akan langsung dipanggil dalam waktu dekat untuk mengikuti tes tertulis:
Algoritma (sorting, bilangan prima,dsb), MySQL query, Sistem Informasi, dll. (harap pelajari sendiri)
PT Luxindo Internusa (Global Group).
Jalan Narogong desa Cikiwul Bekasi.
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