Lowongan Kerja di PSIKO UTAMA(Until 12 Mei 2010)
(30 April 2010)
With certain requirements and qualifications as follows:
- S1 degree from reputable university with minimum GPA. 2.8
- Female or male in a good health condition, maksimum 30 years old
- Good personality with excellent proficiency in communication and presentation skill
- Willing and able to work as individual contributor or in a team with various and challenging working environments
- Good proficiency in English, written and verbal communication with minimum EPT 450
- Willing to follow the exclusivity of the content of occupational engagement after following the Professional Training Program
- Willing to follow the company placement program at all the company branches/reprentatives during the training program and during the career
login on applications form
Closing date : May 12, 2010
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