Lowongan Kerja di BII
(16 September 2008)

Management Associate Program
For 18 monts you will experience challenging task and hardwork in various business spectrums across the bank. it takes unshakable comitments from you to endure this rigorous process, but consider this an indispensaabe learning opportunity. If you can excel throughout our evaluation process, you will assume higher responsbilities s a leader and enjoy an attractive compensation package.
To be consider for this positions you should have a minimum 3.00 GPA, a deggre from reputable university (master's is preferred), minimum TOFEL score of 500, and not older then 27 yeraas-old.
Please send your resume and recent photograph indicating "MA" in the subject line, to :recuitment@bankbii.com, no leter than September 19,2008
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