Lowongan Kerja di PT.Honda Prospect Motor
(25 Agustus 2008)

PT Honda Prospect Motor, sole agent, assembler of Honda automobiles & component, is looking for new staff to join us as:
- Production (Prod)
- Marketing (Mrk)
- Spare Parts/ Logisti c (Sp/L)
- Part Quality (PQ)
- Service (Svc)
- Purchasing (Pch)
- Material Service (Ms)
- Trainer (Trn)
- apanese Interpreter (Jint)
General Requirements:
- S-1 Degree from reputable university (GPA> 2.8)
- Age not more than 27 years old
- Should be fl uent in English both speaking & writing
- rofi cient in Ms. Office
- Capable to make presenta on and report in English
- Fast learner, dynamic, crea ve & deep analitycal thinking
- Capable to work under pressure & rush
- Excellent health
- Active & Communicative
Special Requirements:
- Willing to be placed in Karawang (Positi on no: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9)
- S-1 in Enginineering (Positi on no: 1-8)
- S-1 in Japanese Literature (Position no: 9)
- Able to use AutoCad/ Catia (position no: 1)
Please forward your comprehensive resume and curriculum vitae along with supporting documents, recent photograph and ID card with marking the position on in left corner of the envelope (for e-mail, write the position on as subject) before October 25th 2008 to:
Recruitment & Training Department
PT Honda Prospect Motor
Jl. Gaya Motor I, Sunter II
Jakarta Utara 14330
(maximum fi le size: 300kb)
Sumber Info :http://mahalum.ui.edu/
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Peluang Kerja ()
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